Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The world is getting smaller and smaller.

As I mentioned on yesterdays post, I celebrated my Birthday whilst I was off, quite a big birthday - 30...!! It was one of my most memorable and I couldn't have wished for a better day. I spent the morning and afternoon with Matt, my sister and her husband and in the evening my whole family and friends from all over the country came out for cocktails at Malmaison followed by a Casino. Far from sobbing about reaching 30 I didn't want to the day to end and stretched the night out as long as possible.

As well as receiving some fantastic presents shown in the post below my biggest present came from Matt who has bought me flights to South America and we're going to do a bit of travelling around Uruguay and Argentina!! My family have paid for my accomodation and some spending money and my sister has even given me a surfing lesson! 8 weeks to go and it can't come quick enough, I am on countdown already. Guidebooks are at the ready!



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