Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here's to 2011

Image: weheartit

Im know im a month behind everyone else but I didn't post any resolutions earlier this month as I hadn't really thought of any. I tend to hibernate during January and any eating or sociallising resolutions would go straight out of the winter.
However with February fast approaching I've decided to kick start the new year after this weekend! I really don't want to make any plans I know I can't stick to but still want to challenge myself.
  • This year I will go back onto the Dukan diet from February in order to get in shape for holiday.
  • I will not get any parking offences.
  • I will start the two projects I've had on my mind for the last few months.
So three, hopefully acheivable tasks. The Dukan diet was so successful when I tried it over the summer and im hoping to have the same results again.
When it comes to parking tickets, clamping and even towing im useless, I dread to think what they add up to, last years alone could have bought a Mulberry bag - shocking I know.
The two projects i'll reveal a little more when things get off the ground, both I want to start as hobbies and see where they take me.
How have you got on with any resolutions you made in January, how are you managing to stick to them?

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