Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The December Issue

The December magazine issues are always one of my favorite of the year, Im not sure exactly why but I guess just the whole holiday season is exciting all the glitter and glitz, and all the cute party dresses or yummy appies. One of the main things I like too is its really finally feeling like winter, so all the cozy knits and chunky scarves just look so appealing. So this year I googled the covers of the December issues since I couldnt quite wait until they came out.. and unfortunately this is what I found:


Can someone please inform Elle that its December and not July. Whats with the cover? I obviously cant speak for everyone but I dont like this at all for December, maybe for June or July, but for right now it would turn me off buying it.

Now I know this isnt a magazine cover but these ads are rocking the winter feel, the cozyness even though its snowing, hot chocolate, cute lab dogs, congrats Michael Kors, you are totally making me want everything and just kicked Elles ass!


I cant wait for snow!!

And dont forget about the giveaway!!!

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