Thursday, August 26, 2010

Birds, Birds, Birds

So I've banned myself from stores for a couple of days to gather my senses. The fall stuff is just too much for me, the boots, the jackets, the colors, the chunky knits, I want it all! I would say I've tryed to avoid online stores as well, but that would be a lie because it didnt last even a half day.

During that half day I ended up looking on the
Tattoologist, which became slightly addicting, its making me seriously want a tattoo, but for now I think im just too undecided when it comes to lifelong decisions like that. Im thinking someone needs to come up with a better temporary tattoo that lasts about a month or two, that would be really cool. Im thinking I would get a bird of some kind or a feather or something else whimsically.

Some of my faves, especially that last one!

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