Wednesday, February 9, 2011

FACE cream


I've been using two new moisturisers recently and have given them a good trial and thought I'd post my big thumbs up here.

My skin is normal / dehydrated. My skin is usually only dehydrated during the colder weather and while it doesn't cause any visible effects on my skin I can feel tightness and lack of moisture all over my face and it can sometimes look a bit lack lustre.

I have raved about FACE Stockholms hand cream before, Face Stockholm is a Swedish brand, 25 years old and creates natural, simple, clean skincare and make-up products. I was very excited to see they now deliver in the UK and have a new store in Manchester on King St.

I chose two moisturisers, The Advanced Hydration Vitamin Cream and the Orange Cream.

Advanced Hydration Vitamin Cream £35.

This cream is very emollient and I've found myself using this more often at night time as it is one of the heaviest creams I've used, the smell I would describe as a botanical smell, quite medical but in a herb kind of way.

A small amount goes a long way and I know once I've applied this before bed I'll wake up with amazingly soft skin the morning after. This cream saved my skin over the month or so we had the big freeze, I had to let it sink in for a while on my skin before applying any make-up but I felt it working as a barrier all day. I would recommend this cream to anyone with dry skin, mature skin or someone wanting a great working night cream.


Orange Cream £37.50.

This cream is what it says on the tin! It smells gorgeous, think of freshly peeled satsumas and you'll get the idea. It is a lighter cream than the one above and is packed full of vitamins.

The vitamin C brightens my skin and also acts as a light exfoliater, brilliant for anyone with fine lines. I call this my 'morning after the night before cream'. As soon as its on my face my skin feels better and looks brighter and perked up, great after a heavy night out.

I use this cream most days and can be used morning and night, it will be lovely in the summer as a lighter alternative to the Hydration cream above.

This cream I would recommend to anyone, its light yet rich and although that doesn't make too much sense, when its on your skin you can feel it.
Matt has also had his paws on this as he can't get enough of the smell and how nice it feels too, it would make an ideal post shave cream actually.


You can find more information on the creams and all the other skincare available here as well as the make up range.

I think the packaging is fantastic, simple and chic and I'd love to have a collection displayed in my bathroom (the bathroom products are very tempting). I'm definitely going to be investing in more FACE Stockholm.

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