Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pyrrha Jewelry!

I wanted to share this really awesome jewelry line with you if you've never heard of it. I find it really different than a lot of stuff out there right now and Im always drawn to unique lines of jewelry. This is really starting to become my obsession, for so long it was just rings and now its definitely expanded! Jewelers anonymous please help me before Im broke!

Anyways its a handmade line that really stands apart with their unique wax seal design, they have other stuff too but the seals are definitely my favorite, and there is soo many meanings and symbols it would be so hard to decide. Im possibly thinking early Christmas present to self, but I also said that about so many different things already!
Oh and I saw on their website that they use recycled silver and gold which I always think is a really awesome concept, being green and getting to recycle and re-love some old silver thats possibly been around for a very long time.
Plus wouldnt these be great gifts!?

Heres a couple of my faves:



^Something different for a special someone.
^Reads "Mon Ami," for your BFF!
^Carpe Diem, latin for "seize the day"
A little inspirational, symbol for optimism, reads "still have hope"

Check out their website for soo many others!

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