Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22

So last weekend, I felt all excited because my cold was finally easing up, then just as I think I've gotten rid of it, Bammm full on sick again and worse than the first time around, seriously not fun. I was home for like 3 days not doing anything, not talking, pretty much just sleeping. So tonight even though my cough was still lingering around to choke me I went out for dinner (halls and pepsi, do not taste good together in case you were wondering) followed by a trip to my favorite little town for hot chocolate at my favorite bookstore/cafe.

Our weather has been soo unusually warm lately and they keep blabbing about how this is supposed to be our "coldest winter in 55 years," but honestly I cant remember the last near end October where I could go around with no jacket and not be freezing. But Im getting sick of it, I want my cool weather, I want to wear all my cozy sweaters, toques and boots!
And I loveee this sweater that Tao Okamoto is wearing, perfect colour!

photo: stockholm streetstyle

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