Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Soo its only been a few weeks into school and I already feel really behind, I dont even know how that is, I just feel like I've been procrastinating everything lately, even though I haven't. Its weird. I also feel so insanely drained of energy and I blame it on this annoying weather we've been having, its been really warm yet wet, I hate muggyness, my hair also dislikes it. Has anyone ever seen that episode of Friends where they go to the bahamas or something and Monicas hair goes insane, I feel like Im a toned down version of that.

I haven't even gotten around to watching hardly any of the spring 2011 shows! Although I did catch Burberry and I must say Im in love! I didnt think it would be possible to top fall and the amazing jackets, but I thought the show was amazing, especially the jackets! Real posts coming soon, I promise!

Oh yeah and check out this tat I saw while cruising tattoologist, thats definitely some dedication? I dont know if thats the right word, what do you guys think?


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