Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Soo its only been a few weeks into school and I already feel really behind, I dont even know how that is, I just feel like I've been procrastinating everything lately, even though I haven't. Its weird. I also feel so insanely drained of energy and I blame it on this annoying weather we've been having, its been really warm yet wet, I hate muggyness, my hair also dislikes it. Has anyone ever seen that episode of Friends where they go to the bahamas or something and Monicas hair goes insane, I feel like Im a toned down version of that.

I haven't even gotten around to watching hardly any of the spring 2011 shows! Although I did catch Burberry and I must say Im in love! I didnt think it would be possible to top fall and the amazing jackets, but I thought the show was amazing, especially the jackets! Real posts coming soon, I promise!

Oh yeah and check out this tat I saw while cruising tattoologist, thats definitely some dedication? I dont know if thats the right word, what do you guys think?


Monday, September 27, 2010

Diamonds NY

As this year slowly transitions intoanother beautiful fall season, jewelry collections take a cue from MotherNature with their rich tones and wispy accents. Although it is most often known for its diamonds New York isthe ultimate scene for all jewelry trends. This fall, you can expect to see bold prints and bursts of colorlingering from the summertime- with layers and warming accessories creating theperfect look for a breezy afternoon.  Youcan re-vamp any summery dress with a belted cardigan, thin layered chainnecklaces, and even heels with socks. Just as nature slowly transitions into winter- your very own look can dothe same.

One of the most alluring ways to reflectnature’s bounty is with earth inspired jewelry. If you don’t want to splurge on a natural diamond in NY-the everyday city gal can dazzle in stunning gems.  Celebrities, fashionistas, and stylish ladiesalike, are wearing jewelry in warm fall hues in order to keep their warmglow. 

Bold colors are the signature traits ofthis year’s gemstones and there is sure to be a stone to match any individualtaste.  For your own jewelry, you maychoose from a collection of designer jewelry, or from antique collections tomatch your taste, and there are certainly many options of stylish designs andcolors in both arenas.

Post by guest writer Rachel

Friday, September 17, 2010


So happy the weekend is here! Even though its supposed to rain Im really hoping the temperature gets cooler soon, I've been dying to wear some of my fall stuff and today was so freakin warm! Its always opposite when you want warm you get cold, when you want cold you get warm!

Anyways, as some of you may know Im a complete ring addict, they are easily my favorite accessory. So I have to share this picture of Abbey Lee's rings, I would loveee to know where she got that turqoise ring!

photo: studded hearts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

*ring ring* h&m is on the phone

As Im sure most of you have heard by now, H&M's latest collaboration is with Lanvin, which Im pretty sure everyone is insanely excited about, no!? The only thing thats keeping me from being too excited is the fact that there will probably insane line-ups, and Im pretty much not a fan of line-ups, meaning if its longer than 20 minutes, nothing is probably worth the wait for me. But I guess it kinda depends on the previews, I cant wait to see them, maybe they'll be so awesome I'll actually break my line-up rule! Collection is out November 20th for Canada/US and the 23rd for the rest of the world!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I apologize for being a terrible blogger lately, I've kinda been all over the place, getting ready for school, failing at keeping my promise of not buying anything, and other non fun stuff possibly involving a little something called work.

I thought Id show you a couple of my latest purchases starting out with my newest addition to my rings =)

Another ring by Shablool

Now I have to goto sleep because I have school tommorow! =( How did September come so fast?
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